Sweet Chilli Chicken Stir Fry

Sweet Chilli Chicken Stir Fry


1 packet McCain African Stir Fry

600 grams chicken fillets cubed

2 tablespoons oil

1 teaspoon white pepper powder

1 teaspoon garlic powder

3 cloves garlic finely chopped

2 tablespoons cornstarch

Small bunch spring onions chopped

1 teaspoon chilli flakes

Fresh red chillies – optional

3 tablespoons Sweet Chilli Sauce of choice

2 tablespoons soy sauce

Salt and pepper




Prep Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes

  1. Place the cubed chicken fillets in a large bowl, add some oil, white pepper powder, garlic powder, salt and cornstarch – mix until well coated
  2. Heat a large skillet on medium to high heat and add the oil, once the oil is hot, start frying the chicken in batches until cooked – remove and set aside
  3. Next add in the freshly chopped garlic and half quantity of chopped spring onions – cook for a about a minute
  4. Now add in the African stir fry and the sweet chilli sauce and soy sauce – allow to cook for 8 minutes
  5. Add in the chicken and mix well until the sauce is combined cook for about 2 minutes
  6. Throw in the chilli flakes (or red chillies) and mix well
  7. Adjust seasoning and serve with steamed rice or noodles

Photo & Recipe: @Apriena (on Instagram) [CREDIT] 

#African Stir Fry #chicken #sweet chilli